BioFit continues to be the most popular probiotic weight loss supplement from Nature’s Formulas. This is due to its seven-ingredient blend that contains over 5.75 million CFUs per tablet. The FDA approved a patent version of the DE111 ingredient, where Bacillus subtilis was by Deerland Probiotics & Enzymes. This GRAS listing is the highest acceptance list for health claims in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. It contains highly profiled probiotic strains, as well as a patented DE111 ingredient. These benefits include promoting healthy gastrointestinal flora, supporting beneficial bacteria growth, improving children’s digestive health, and reducing total cholesterol (blood LDL cholesterol). Biofit has a powerful 16.59mg dosage per capsule. This includes Bacillus Subtilis (8.89mg), Lactobacillus Casei (1.35mg), Lactobacillus Plantarum (2.75mg), Bacillus Plantarum (2.75mg), Bifidobacterium Breve (0.65mg), Lactobacillus Acidophilus (0.85mg), and Bifidobacterium Breve (0.65mg), and Lactobacillus Breve (0.65mg), and Lactobacillus Breve (0.65mg), Bifidobacterium Breve (.65mg) Since its launch on December 31, 2020, Nature’s Formulas Biofit has seen a tremendous increase in popularity and recognition for its unique spore-based delivery system. There have been many Biofit scams, customer complaints, and Biofit reviews. This August 2021 update BioFit probiotic review will help you to avoid them.
Chrissie Miller – Creator of Biofit Supplement
Are you interested in learning more about the Biofit Probiotic Supplement creator? Would you like to know more about the person who you are purchasing a product? Are you curious about their past? Why you should trust them.
It’s always important to learn a bit about the people behind a product before you buy it. Here’s a brief history of Biofit’s creator.
I decided to write a post about Chrissie Miller, creator of the Biofit probiotic.
Chrissie Miller, a 43-year-old housewife, was struggling to lose weight. She was called fat throughout her entire life, and people pointed fingers at her. After trying everything, she didn’t see permanent results. Her self-esteem plummeted. Biofit was born at this moment.
Chrissie wondered, like many others, if it was possible to lose weight without giving up favorite foods. In one moment of her life, dessert was a must and a burger looked really good. Chrissie learned that exercise alone was not enough to lose weight. She also needed to learn how to maintain it. What she learned changed her life forever. If your gut bacteria is not balanced, fat will always return to your body.
Christina Miller founded BioFit, a natural, probiotic weight loss supplement. Chrissie believes that a healthy gut is key to success in weight loss and prevent weight gain.
Weight loss can be accelerated by a regular intake of Biofit probiotics. Chrissie lost weight and looked younger with her probiotic-based weight reduction strategy. She felt full and energetic.
This article will focus on the incredible effects probiotics can have on your body. Chrissie says that restrictive diets can lead to serious health problems. Many people find it difficult to stick to them for more than a few months. Cardio and weight training aren’t the only options to lose weight. Your gut flora can have a bigger impact on your metabolism than you might realize.